River Admin

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River Admin is a very modern and a shiny customizable admin extension with user friendly and easy to use interfaces for django-river . The power of it comes from the libraries it uses on both backend and frontend sides which are django-river, django-rest-framework Vue and Vuetify.

River Admin Website



This is a fully open source project and it can be better with your donations.

If you are using River Admin to create a commercial product, please consider becoming our sponsor , patron or donate over PayPal

Live Demo


  • User: demo
  • Password: demo

To run demo locally;

export LOCAL_DEMO=True
pip install -r requirements.txt
python manage.py migrate
python manage.py bootstrap_shipping_example
python manage.py bootstrap_issue_tracker_example
python manage.py bootstrap_river_admin_demo
python manage.py runserver

And then go to

Note: Create an admin user for yourself if you would like more access.

Getting Started

You can easily get started with django-river by following Getting Started.

Indices and tables