Object Hooks


What hooking is described in workflow level Hooks. So please visit there to get the idea of the hooks.

Object level hooking is tied to a specific object unlike workflow level hookings. It means the the hooks that you created for an object won’t be kicked in for the other objects that are same kind.

On the timeline page, those you created at the workflow level will be shown with aliceblue color and without a delete button since it is a general hook for all objects in the workflow. But you will see object level hooks with white color and a delete button as shown below;

Workflow and Object Hooks Together

Create Transition Hooks

Create Object Transition Hook - Step 1 Create Object Transition Hook - Step 2 Create Object Transition Hook - Step 3

After you create, it should look like this;

Object Transition Hook Created

Create Approval Hooks

Create Object Approval Hook - Step 1 Create Object Approval Hook - Step 2 Create Object Approval Hook - Step 3

After you create, it should look like this;

Object Approval Hook Created