Custom Admin

River Admin is also meant to be functioning like any other django admin libraries but specificly for workflow operations. You can definitely be using River Admin as it comes but there are quite cool customizations you can do with River Admin. The way how to customize River Admin is very much like the way how you customize your Django model admin. We kept the same practice


import river_admin
from examples.shipping_example.models import Shipping

class ShippingRiverAdmin(river_admin.RiverAdmin):
    name = "Shipping Flow"
    icon = "mdi-truck"
    list_displays = ['pk', 'product', 'customer', 'shipping_status'], "shipping_status", ShippingRiverAdmin)


River Admin users material icon sets. In order to see what icons you can use more please take a look at Material Design Icons. What ever you want to use from there just add mdi- prefix to the icon name.

Here is the output;

Custom Workflow Name & Icon Custom List Workflow Ojbcets Pages

Method Field

River Admin supports custom field that can be fetched from a python method instead of the workflow object itself like in Django model admins.


import river_admin
from examples.shipping_example.models import Shipping

class ShippingRiverAdmin(river_admin.RiverAdmin):
    name = "Shipping Flow"
    icon = "mdi-truck"
    list_displays = ['custom_pk', 'product', 'customer', 'shipping_status']

    def custom_pk(cls, obj):
        return "Primary Key: %d" %, "shipping_status", ShippingRiverAdmin)